
We, at Reasoning Tests Online believe that passing the EPSO exam, or any other Career Assessment Center, is not about how intelligent you are. It is about how much you practice. Moreover, it also matters how you practice. Our team members – successful EPSO candidates - experienced that online practice is the best and most efficient way to prepare for the computer-based test which is the first stage to get on the EPSO reserve list.

This is the main reason why we created Reasoning Tests Online.com. We strived to offer almost identical conditions as in case of EPSO CBT. So, we made a 100% EPSO-like online practice platform and tests for candidates who take EPSO competitions seriously.

Our team consists of professional test writers who have carefully prepared the tests. To further ensure the reliability of the tests, we also work together with previous EPSO candidates who passed the exams successfully and now work as EU officials. You can rely on their excellent tips and tutorials which will definitely help you master reasoning tests. We made great efforts (and wish to continue to do so…) to offer quality services to you in order to increase your chances to pass the pre-selection CBT exams.

By practicing our tests you get familiar with the style and layout of reasoning tests, you get to know what to expect on the live exam, how to give your best performance under strict time pressure. You will definitely be less frustrated and be able to perform to your best ability.

  • You can learn from the clearly worked out explanations after each test

  • You can gain winning strategies from our tutorials and tips

  • You can also check your latest score and retake any purchased test to improve your performance



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